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Fraction Bars



Curator: Jessica Johnson


Name & Link to Tech Tool:


Brief Description of Tech Tool: This tech tool is a virtual manipulative. Students can choose both the numerator and denominator of 4 sets of fraction bars. This way they can compare fractions, order fractions or find equivalent fractions. This tool can be used to explore concepts or for extra support for students needing intervention with understanding one of these concepts.


Technical & Cost considerations: This tech tool is a free website, with no registration required. It works on both Apple and Windows operating systems. It also can be used on a Smart Board without any technical constraints.




Description of Learning Activity: This tech tool can be used for many different learning activities. It can be used to help students explore a new fraction concept or can be used to support their learning. This virtual manipulative provides visuals that help reinforce the concepts of comparing fractions, ordering fractions and equivalent fractions.


1. Learning Activity Types

  • LA-Present - (read or attend to) presentation of new content/ideas

    • LA-Present-Demo - demonstration

  • LA-Explore - exploring/investigating mathematical ideas


2. What mathematics is being learned?

  • Common Core State Standards:

    • This tech tool meets the 3rd – 5th grade CCSS essential expectation that students need to be able to extend their understanding of fraction equivalence and ordering. By seeing each fraction visually represented by a fraction bar, student can see what fraction is greater and order accordingly. They can also manipulate the numerator and denominator to make all fraction bars even, giving them equivalent fractions.

  • NCTM Standards:

    • NCTM-N&0-understand numbers - understand numbers, ways of representing numbers, relationships among numbers, and number systems. By visually seeing each fraction students can see how the numerator and denominator affect the fraction's value.

  • Proficiency Strands: 

    • PS-conceptual understanding: comprehension of mathematical concepts, operations, and relations

    • PS-adaptive reasoning capacity for logical thought, reflection, explanation, and justification


3. How is the mathematics represented?

This tech tool is virtual manipulative, it helps students visualize fractions through the use of fraction bars.


4. What role does technology play?

Technology allows students to virtually manipulate both the numerator and denominator, so students can compare and order fractions and create equivalent fractions.

  • Affordances of Technology for Supporting Learning:

    • Representing Ideas & Thinking - This tech tool allows students to visualize fractions through virtual fraction bars.


5. How does the technology fit or interact with the social context of learning?

There are no constraints on how this technology can fit into learning. This tool is a virtual manipulative so it needs a purpose when using it, which gives it the freedom to be a whole class, small group, partnership or an individual activity.


6. What do teachers and learners need to know?

Students need to understand what the numerator and denominator represents, and how they affect the value of a fraction. This tech tool is easy to use and does not require any advance technology skills.

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