Enrichment with technology.
Online Resource Library
Ordering Fractions Game
Curator: Jessica Johnson
Link to Tech Tool:
Brief Description of Tech Tool: This tech tool allows students to practice ordering fractions in a fun, interactive game. There are three levels, easy, medium and hard. Students have five lives to see how many levels they can complete! Each level gets more challenging as they progress.
Technical & Cost considerations: This tech tool is a free website, with no registration required. It works on both Apple and Windows operating systems. It also can be used on a Smart Board without any technical constraints.
Description of Learning Activity: This game is for individual practice of ordering fractions. Students must make common denominators to order fractions.
1. Learning Activity Types:
LA-Practice - practicing for fluency
LA-Apply - applying mathematics to problems and situations
2. What mathematics is being learned?
Common Core Standard:
This tech tool meets the 3rd – 5th grade essential expectation that students need to be able to extend their understanding of fraction equivalence and ordering.
NCTM Standards:
NCTM-N&0-understand numbers - understand numbers, ways of representing numbers, relationships among numbers, and number systems;
Proficiency Strands:
PS-procedural fluency: skill in carrying out procedures flexibly, accurately, efficiently, and appropriately. This tech tool has students practice accurately ordering fractions.
PS-strategic competence: ability to formulate, represent, and solve mathematical problems. Students must make common denominators and equivalent fractions to be able to compare and order fractions.
3. How is the mathematics represented?
The math in this tech tool is represented numerically, but in a fun way to keep students’ engagement. The game also helps boost students’ motivation to choose the accurate answer because of the limited number of lives.
4. What role does technology play?
The advantage of technology in this tech tool is that it is an interactive game that provides immediate feedback on students’ accuracy of ordering fractions. This technology keeps students’ interest as they practice this Common Core Essential Expectation.
Affordances of Technology for Supporting Learning:
Computing & Automating- Students receive automatic feedback if they have accurately ordered the fractions.
5. How does the technology fit or interact with the social context of learning?
This tech tool would best be used for individual practice in the computer lab. It could also be used at home for students to strengthen their skill of ordering fractions. This tool does not support collaboration.
6. What do teachers and learners need to know?
Students need to know how to order fractions. The technology of this tech tool is easy to use, so no additional technology skills are required.